We are pleased to announce that AMONETA Diagnostics has exceeded €184k in participatory fundraising with a commitment this week from SODIV, a regional fund Grand Est.
ADDIA is the first non-invasive IVD test performed on a single blood sample and will be CE and IVD certified by the end of 2019. The clinical study supported by the Alzheimer Association Europe is conducted in 13 European centers of excellence, making it the largest in vitro clinical study ever conducted in the world.
You will find all the information related to our project and can also participate in its realization by following this link: https://www.happy-capital.com/projet/amoneta-diagnostics/page
More details on our project:
- Projet ADDIA soutenu par la Commission européenne Horizon2020
- Étude Clinique ADDIA publiée sur Clinicaltrials.gov
- Présentation scientifique des résultats des tests ADDIA à l'AAIC, juillet 2018, Chicago
- Publication de la biobanque ADDIA sur AE WEB

Presse :
- DNA : 11 Janvier 2019 : https://www.dna.fr/sante/2019/01/11/les-algorithmes-d-alzheimer (article en pièce jointe .pdf)
- L’Alsace : 11 Janvier 2019 : https://www.lalsace.fr/haut-rhin/2019/01/11/les-algorithmes-d-alzheimer
- L’actu.fr : 16 Janvier 2019 : https://actu.fr/societe/alzheimer-maladie-bientot-diagnostiquee-grace-une-simple-prise-sang_20873112.html
Reportage vidéo :
- France 3 Alsace : 11 Janvier 2019 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCh85mP_9jA&feature=youtu.be
Reportage audio :